Results for 'L. C. Lamb'

968 found
  1. Global and local analysis in patients with full commissurotomy.L. C. Robertson, M. R. Lamb & E. Zaidel - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):500-500.
  2. An evaluation of the empirical bases underlying global precedence theory.M. R. Lamb & L. C. Robertson - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):497-497.
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  3. We Will Show Them! Essays in Honour of Dov Gabbay.Sergei Artemov, H. Barringer, A. S. D'Avila Garcez, L. C. Lamb & J. Woods (eds.) - 2005 - London, U.K.: College Publications.
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    Gladly to Learn and Gladly to Teach: Essays on Religion and Political Philosophy in Honor of Ernest L. Fortin, A.A.Paul J. Archambault, J. Brian Benestad, Christopher Bruell, Timothy Burns, Frederick J. Crosson, Robert Faulkner, Marc D. Guerra, Thomas S. Hibbs, Alfred L. Ivry, Douglas Kries, Fr Mathew L. Lamb, Marc A. LePain, David Lowenthal, Harvey C. Mansfield, Paul W. McNellis & S. J. Susan Meld Shell (eds.) - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    For half a century, Ernest Fortin's scholarship has charmed and educated theologians and philosophers with its intellectual search for the best way to live. Written by friends, colleagues, and students of Fortin, this book pays tribute to a remarkable thinker in a series of essays that bear eloquent testimony to Fortin's influence and his legacy. A formidable commentator on Catholic philosophical and political thought, Ernest Fortin inspired others with his restless inquiries beyond the boundaries of conventional scholarship. With essays on (...)
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    Gladly to Learn and Gladly to Teach: Essays on Religion and Political Philosophy in Honor of Ernest L. Fortin, A.A.Paul J. Archambault, J. Brian Benestad, Christopher Bruell, Timothy Burns, Frederick J. Crosson, Robert Faulkner, Marc D. Guerra, Thomas S. Hibbs, Alfred L. Ivry, Fr Mathew L. Lamb, Marc A. LePain, David Lowenthal, Harvey C. Mansfield, Paul W. McNellis & Susan Meld Shell (eds.) - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    For half a century, Ernest Fortin's scholarship has charmed and educated theologians and philosophers with its intellectual search for the best way to live. Written by friends, colleagues, and students of Fortin, this book pays tribute to a remarkable thinker in a series of essays that bear eloquent testimony to Fortin's influence and his legacy. A formidable commentator on Catholic philosophical and political thought, Ernest Fortin inspired others with his restless inquiries beyond the boundaries of conventional scholarship. With essays on (...)
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    Complexity as a contrast between dynamics and phenomenology.L. C. Zuchowski - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 63:86-99.
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    The Influence of Family Firms and Institutional Owners on Corporate Social Responsibility Performance.Frank C. Butler & Nai H. Lamb - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (7):1374-1406.
    Research on corporate social responsibility has traditionally focused on managerial discretion and stakeholders’ influence. This study extends current research by addressing the effect of family firms and institutional owners on CSR performance, namely, CSR strengths and concerns. Based on stewardship theory and the socioemotional wealth perspective, we propose that family firms are more likely to value CSR performance. Next, drawing from multiple agency theory, we predict that institutional owners, unlike family owners, will influence a firm’s CSR performance differently. We tested (...)
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  8. The Organizational Client: Attorney-Client Privilege and the No-Contact Rule, 10 GEO. J.L. C. Sherman - 1997 - Legal Ethics 739.
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    Antonio Millán Puelles, fenomenólogo y metafísico.Jesús Villagrasa L. C. - 2005 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:315.
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    Crónica.L. C. Da S. - 1960 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 16 (3):370 - 376.
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    Rest and warm-up in bilateral transfer on a pursuit rotor task.L. C. Walker, C. B. De Soto & M. W. Shelly - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 53 (6):394.
  12.  11
    Indian philosophy of knowledge: comparative study.L. C. Shastri - 2002 - Delhi, India: Global Vision Pub. House.
    The Objective Of This Highly Rewarding Book Indian Philosophy Of Knowledge Is To Highlight The Main Purpose Of Gaining Knowledge. The Highest Knowledge In Vedas And Upanisads Is The Knowledge Of Brahman Which Leads To Liberation. The Sankhya System Promises Complete Cessation Of All Sorrows. The Yoga Is Entirely Devoted To The Attainment Of Kaivalya. Gautama, In His Nyayasutra Asserts That Their Knowledge Would Lead To The Attainment Of The Liberation. The Vaisesika And Mimamsa Begins With The Interpretation Of Dharma (...)
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    The great batteries of the London institution.L. C. Ockenden - 1937 - Annals of Science 2 (2):183-184.
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    Hicri II-IV. Asır Kıraat İhtic'cı Uygulamalarının Sonraki Dönem Kıraat İhtic'cı Uygulamalarına Etkileri: Neşru’l-Ḳır''ti’l-‘Aşr Özelinde Bir İnceleme.Mehmet Kılıç & Muhammed Pilgir - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (49):327-352.
    Kurrâ’ya nispet edilen aynı kelimelerdeki edâ farklılıklarının tartışmalara sebep olmasından ötürü kıraat ihtilafı olan kelimelerde ihticâc yapılmasına gereksinim duyulmuştur. Delil getirmek manasında kullanılan ihticâc kavramı, kıraat ihtilafları için söz konusu olduğunda ise kıraat ihtilaflarının sıhhat zemininin ortaya konması kastedilmektedir. Ayrıca 2. asrın sonlarında kıraat tevcîhlerinin yapıldığı müstakil eserler ortaya çıkmakla birlikte kıraat alan yazınına ait genel telifatlarda da kıraat ihticâclarının yapıldığı görülmektedir. Kıraat müelliflerinden biri olan İbnu’l-Cezerî de Neşru’l-ḳırââti’l-‘aşr adlı eserinde zaman zaman kıraat ihticâcına yer vermektedir. Mezkûr eserdeki kıraat ihticâcları (...)
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    Seeing and Knowing.L. C. Holborow - 1971 - Philosophical Quarterly 21 (82):82-83.
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  16.  55
    Dom Gueranger and the Liturgical Revival in France.L. C. Sheppard - 1932 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 6 (4):624-649.
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    Commentary on Saint Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. By St. Thomas Aquinas. Tr. F. R. Larcher, O. P. / Commentary on Saint Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians. By St. Thomas Aquinas. Tr. Matthew L. Lamb. O.C.S.O. [REVIEW]Robert F. O'Toole - 1968 - Modern Schoolman 46 (1):76-77.
  18.  29
    Maladaptive autonomic regulation in PTSD accelerates physiological aging.John B. Williamson, Eric C. Porges, Damon G. Lamb & Stephen W. Porges - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Theology needs philosophy: Acting against reason is contrary to the nature of God edited by Matthew L. Lamb, catholic university of America press, Washington, D.c., 2016, pp. 344, $69.95, hbk. [REVIEW]David Goodill - 2018 - New Blackfriars 99 (1082):549-551.
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  20. Synesthesia: Perspectives From Cognitive Neuroscience. Robertson, C. L. & N. Sagiv (eds.) - 2005 - Oxford University Press.
    The research presented in this volume demonstrates that it is no longer reasonable to ask whether or not synesthesia is real--we must now ask how we can account ...
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    Teaching practical wisdom in medicine through clinical judgement, goals of care, and ethical reasoning.L. C. Kaldjian - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (9):558-562.
    Clinical decision making is a challenging task that requires practical wisdom—the practised ability to help patients choose wisely among available diagnostic and treatment options. But practical wisdom is not a concept one typically hears mentioned in medical training and practice. Instead, emphasis is placed on clinical judgement. The author draws from Aristotle and Aquinas to describe the virtue of practical wisdom and compare it with clinical judgement. From this comparison, the author suggests that a more complete understanding of clinical judgement (...)
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    Three Women in Martial.L. C. Wartson - 1983 - Classical Quarterly 33 (01):258-.
    ‘Ein vÖllig unverständliches Wortspiel’, said Friedlander. There have been many attempts to solve the riddle. The older commentators, following Domizio Calderini, offered a fantastic solution: Athenagoras was a doctor specializing in leprosy : ‘porro ducta uxore coepit lingere cunnum…unde factus est olficius, hoc est olfacit cunnum’! H. C. Schnur emended to Olbius : Albius Athenagoras , by marrying a rich wife, became Olbius. This explanation deprives the name ‘Albius’ of any point; nor is it particularly witty to say that Albius (...)
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  23. Systems theory and the biopsychosocial model.L. C. Wynne - 2003 - In Richard M. Frankel, Timothy E. Quill & Susan H. McDaniel, The biopsychosocial approach: past, present, and future. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press. pp. 219--230.
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    Manuel du peintre et du sculpteur: ouvrage dans lequel on traite de la philosophie de l'art et des moyens pratiques.L. -C. Arsenne - 1833 - Paris: L.V.D.V. Inter-livres. Edited by Ferdinand Denis.
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    Numerical simulation of flat-tip micro-indentation of glassy polymers: Influence of loading speed and thermodynamic state.L. C. A. van Breemen, T. A. P. Engels, C. G. N. Pelletier, L. E. Govaert & J. M. J. den Toonder - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (8):677-696.
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    C. H. Keene.L. C. Purser - 1915 - The Classical Review 29 (03):94-.
  27.  29
    Egg freezing experiences of women in Turkey: From the social context to the narratives of reproductive ageing and empowerment.Azer Kılıç & İpek Göçmen - 2018 - European Journal of Women's Studies 25 (2):168-182.
    This article explores egg freezing experiences of women in Turkey. Since 2014, it has been legal in Turkey to use egg freezing technology for ageing women, while it was previously allowed only for disease-related purposes. In cooperation with a private fertility clinic in Istanbul, the authors conducted 21 interviews with older, single women who held either professional or managerial positions and who were undergoing or had undergone the procedure. Drawing on a qualitative analysis of these interviews, the authors explore the (...)
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  28.  50
    A Code of Ethics for Ethicists: What Would Pierre Bourdieu Say? “Do Not Misuse Social Capital in the Age of Consortia Ethics”.Vural Özdemir, Hakan Kılıç, Arif Yıldırım, Effy Vayena, Edward S. Dove, Kıvanç Güngör, Adrian LLerena & Semra Şardaş - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (5):64-67.
  29.  29
    Negotiating Heroism and Humour in the Cattle-Raid of Cooley.Hildegard L. C. Tristram - 2014 - In Heike Sahm & Victor Millet, Narration and Hero: Recounting the Deeds of Heroes in Literature and Art of the Early Medieval Period. De Gruyter. pp. 113-142.
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    The “Sommerfeld Puzzle” revisited and resolved.L. C. Biedenharn - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (1):13-34.
    The exact agreement between the Sommerfeld and Dirac results for the energy levels of the relativistic hydrogen atom (the “Sommerfeld Puzzle”) is analyzed and explained.
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    V*—Blame, Praise and Credit.L. C. Holborow - 1972 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 72 (1):85-100.
    L. C. Holborow; V*—Blame, Praise and Credit, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 72, Issue 1, 1 June 1972, Pages 85–100,
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  32. Index of Authors of Volume 3.L. C. Aiello, L. Lismont, G. Amati, H. Andr6ka, S. Mikulas, J. Bergstra, N. Pankrat'ev, A. Bucalo, B. Penther & M. Pentus - 1995 - Journal of Logic, Language, and Information 3 (327):329-330.
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    Impurity-vacancy interaction in a metal.L. C. R. Alfred & N. H. March - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (20):985-997.
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  34. RAZ, J. "The Authority of Law". [REVIEW]L. C. Ten - 1981 - Mind 90:441.
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    Interaction Between the East and Andalusia in the Context of Hadith Methodology Literature.Zülal Kılıç - 2025 - Kocaeli İLahiyat Dergisi 8 (2):145-173.
    In addition to the transmission of the science of hadith from the Eastern Islamic world to the west, particularly to Andalusia, a rich literature also developed in Andalusia. Therefore, the development of the science of hadith and hadith methodology in the Andalusian region and the impact of scholars from that region on these sciences is an important issue that deserves attention. This article examines how the intellectual atmosphere of Andalusia was enriched by the hadith works that came from the East (...)
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  36. On the equivalence of the Skyrme-Witten model and large-N c quark models.L. C. Biedenharn & L. P. Horwitz - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (3):401-417.
    We review the equivalence of the two-flavor Skyrme-Witten model and the two-flavor large-N c quark model. The claimed equivalence for three flavorsbetween these two models is shown to be incorrectly given in the literature, and the properly equivalent extended three-flavor large-N c quark model is constructed and discussed.
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    From Data to Causes III: Bayesian Priors for General Cross-Lagged Panel Models (GCLM).Michael J. Zyphur, Ellen L. Hamaker, Louis Tay, Manuel Voelkle, Kristopher J. Preacher, Zhen Zhang, Paul D. Allison, Dean C. Pierides, Peter Koval & Edward F. Diener - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:612251.
    This article describes some potential uses of Bayesian estimation for time-series and panel data models by incorporating information from prior probabilities (i.e., priors) in addition to observed data. Drawing on econometrics and other literatures we illustrate the use of informative “shrinkage” or “small variance” priors (including so-called “Minnesota priors”) while extending prior work on the general cross-lagged panel model (GCLM). Using a panel dataset of national income and subjective well-being (SWB) we describe three key benefits of these priors. First, they (...)
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    The Aesthetic Preference for Nature Sounds Depends on Sound Object Recognition.Stephen C. Van Hedger, Howard C. Nusbaum, Shannon L. M. Heald, Alex Huang, Hiroki P. Kotabe & Marc G. Berman - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (5):e12734.
    People across the world seek out beautiful sounds in nature, such as a babbling brook or a nightingale song, for positive human experiences. However, it is unclear whether this positive aesthetic response is driven by a preference for the perceptual features typical of nature sounds versus a higher‐order association of nature with beauty. To test these hypotheses, participants provided aesthetic judgments for nature and urban soundscapes that varied on ease of recognition. Results demonstrated that the aesthetic preference for nature soundscapes (...)
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    The effect of cognitive flexibility in nurses on attitudes to professional autonomy.Züleyha Kılıç, Nurcan Uzdil & Yurdagül Günaydın - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (2-3):321-330.
    Background Professional autonomy, which directly affects the quality of professional nursing in patient care, and cognitive flexibility, which is an important factor for adaptation to change and developing nursing roles, are important concepts for nursing. Research objectives This research was carried out to determine the effect of cognitive flexibility on attitudes towards professional autonomy in nurses. Research design This was a descriptive study. Participants and research context The research was conducted with 415 nurses working in a city hospital of a (...)
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    Computer-Assisted Analysis of the Anderson–Hájek Ontological Controversy.C. Benzmüller, L. Weber & B. Woltzenlogel Paleo - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (1):139-151.
    A universal reasoning approach based on shallow semantical embeddings of higher-order modal logics into classical higher-order logic is exemplarily employed to analyze several modern variants of the ontological argument on the computer. Several novel findings are reported which contribute to the clarification of a long-standing dispute between Anderson and Hájek. The technology employed in this work, which to some degree realizes Leibniz’s dream of a characteristica universalis and a calculus ratiocinator for solving philosophical controversies, is ready to be fruitfully adopted (...)
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  41.  47
    Moore and Ryle: Two Ontologists.L. C. Holborow - 1967 - Philosophical Quarterly 17 (67):175.
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  42.  41
    The spatial distribution of defects produced in alkali halides by electron irradiation.L. C. Arsenovici & P. D. Townsend - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 25 (2):381-395.
  43.  34
    What can spatial deficits teach us about feature binding and spatial maps?L. C. Robertson - 1999 - Visual Cognition 6 (3):409-30.
  44.  31
    Accreditation Fraud in Brazilian Military Hospitals: Why “Tone at the Top” Matters.L. C. O. Klaus - 2016 - Journal of Military Ethics 15 (4):275-287.
    This article shows under which circumstances fraudulent accreditation can occur in Brazilian military hospitals, calling attention to the tone at the top as a critical aspect of military fraud deterrence – and hence as a critical aspect of this branch of military ethics. The problems allegedly found in Brazilian military health institutions were revealed through in-depth interviews conducted with 29 professionals who reported to work or have worked in a Brazilian military hospital. These fraud allegations were mostly associated with false (...)
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  45. Abū Ishāq al-Isfarāyīnī’s Uṣūl Thought -Cases of Khaber, Ijmā, Ijtihād and Taqlīd-.Halil Kılıç - 2025 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (2):653-690.
    Abū Ishāq al-Isfarāyīnī (d. 418/1027) was one of the prominent figures of Khorasan Shafiʻīsm and a jurist among the Aṣḥāb al-Wujūh. He received education in Irāq from important scholars in the fields of theology (kalām), jurisprudence (fiqh), principles of jurisprudence (usul al-fiqh), and hadīth. After returning to Nishabur, he taught at a madrasa built in his name. He trained students such as ʿAbd al-Qāhir al-Baghdādī (d. 429/1037-38), Abū al-Ṭayyib al-Ṭabarī (d. 450/1058), Abu al-Qāsim al-Isqāf al-Isfarāyīnī (d. 452/1060), Abu al-Rabīʿ Ilākī (...)
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    A Quantitative Research on the Relationship of Self-Monitoring with Religious Orientation and Religious Group Membership.Büşra Kılıç Ahmedi - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):539-563.
    Self-monitoring theory explains the individual differences in using interpersonal adjustment techniques like self-control, self-regulation, and self-presentation. Self-monitoring plays a key role for understanding the social life. Therefore, it has been one of most popular research topics in social psychology. The aim of this study is to find out if there is a meaningful relationship between religious orientation and self-monitoring, and to determine the direction of the relationship if it exists. Besides, examining the effect of religious group membership on self-monitoring is (...)
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    Should quantum mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete?L. C. B. Ryff - 1990 - Foundations of Physics 20 (9):1061-1078.
    A brief and critical survey of wave-particle duality and nonlocality aspects of light is presented. A recent attempt to establish a reasonable framework for nonlocal realistic theories based on physically sound arguments and a proposed experiment to decide between such theories and the usual interpretation of quantum mechanical formalism are reviewed. It is shown that a nonlocal realistic approach may raise some new questions which could be answered by means of a program based on a sequence of experiments.
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    Das Śrautasūtra des Āpastamba, achtes bis fünfzehntes BuchDas Srautasutra des Apastamba, achtes bis funfzehntes Buch.L. C. Barret & W. Caland - 1926 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 46:272.
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    Hymns from the Rigveda.L. C. Barret & A. A. MacDonell - 1923 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 43:429.
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    Vedic Hymns.L. C. Barret & Edward J. Thomas - 1923 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 43:428.
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